Destiny 2: How to Get an Ostrich Hand Cannon
Published May 25, 2022 by Zhiqing Wan.
Home Guides »Destiny 2: How to Get an Ostrich Hand Cannon.
This has been a great week for Destiny 2 fans, with the season of the haunted starting, especially since one of the best weapons in the series is making its winning comeback. Here's how to get Astringer Legendary Hand Cannon in Destiny 2 season of Ghostbusters.
Getting the Austring Hand Cannon in Destiny 2
Two new ways to get the Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted Ostrich Hand Cannon have been introduced: Derelect Leviathan and the patrol and nightmare events in the opulent chest.
Derelict Leviathan Patrols and nightmares
An important way to get Austringer Hand Cannon in Destiny 2 will be familiar to experienced players, as Bungie lets you explore the Derelict Leviathan Patrol area that was released with this new season. Once there, you'll need to complete activities and nightmare events in the area to avoid potential aliens.
This, of course, makes the difference between the two. If you are trying this way, the best bet is to submit 500 "Vestige of Dread" after completing the final boss.
Happy chest
The Haunted Destiny 2 season is the best way to get the Austringer Hand Cannon on the Opulent Chest, as you are guaranteed to get an Opulent (Menagerie) weapon by opening it. True, the drop can be a very different weapon, but it doesn't hurt to try your luck.
You can complete the search for Leviathan Returns and get the first key for these chests from the Crown of Soro at H.E.L.M. Other keys can be picked up randomly by drops at the end of the nightmare container.
Concessions and statistics
Outlaw: Accuracy greatly reduces reload time. On Precision Kill: 70 reload speeds with 0.9x reload division scalar for 6 seconds
Triple Tape: Scoring 3 Precision Huts 1 Returns ammunition to the magazine. The precision hit counter is rearranged if no accurate hit score is achieved within 2 seconds. Improved: The timer between Precision Huts has been extended.
Riot: Deaths from this weapon cause more damage temporarily. Stack 3x. 10% | 21% The loss increased by 33.1% for 3.5 seconds. Buff was refreshed at the beating.
Demolition: Kills with primary weapons and power weapons. Provides 10% grenade capacity energy. Special Weapons 20% Grant. Use your grenade power to refresh the magazine. 3 seconds colddown.
The Austring Hand Canon is 140 RPM HC, with the following basic statistics:
Effect: 84
Range: 46
Stability: 59
Handling: 47
Reloading speed: 46
Reload time: 3.08 seconds
Goal Aid: 75
Retreat: 95
RPM: 140
Magazine side: 11
That's all you need to know about how to get Austringer Hand Cannon in Destiny 2. Don't forget to search Twinfinite for more game tips and information.
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